Privacy And Policy

Please read this privacy policy carefully. By using the website you agree our privacy policy. If you dont agreee with terms of this privacy policy, please don not use this website.

Our privacy policy is simple and transparent: any information you share with us, stays with us. We do not rent, sell, lend, or otherwise distribute your personal information to anyone for any reason.

To Place an order on our site we required following basic information Full Name, Address, Phone Number and Email, aprt from this we gather IP address when you visit our website. we use this information to count number of visitors on our site and know the geographic locations from where visitors come.

Our customers may receive Transactional message or OTP on their registered mobile numbers.It will not contain any obscene, pornographic, abusive, harmful, threatening,harassing, tortuous, offensive, hateful,misleading or violates any law or right of any third party.

We use data collection devices such as "cookies" to help analyse our web page flow. cookie is small piece of information stored by a web server on a web browser so it can be later read back from that browser.